TXT (323) 943-2244 for Talent Coaching Appointments in Santa Monica
I’m not interested in you being the best person in your acting class (that is not an achievement to broadcast, it actually means you are not growing), I’m interested in you getting paid to consistently act at an actual acting JOB!

Things Kristy is Guilty of Saying

In terms of preparing actors for the steps they want to take in their career, nobody is more through and capable than Kristy. H.B. – Actor

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

I had never been on set with an acting coach before. Now I think every set should have one. Not only was Kristina completely dedicated to her client, perceptive, never intrusive, always supportive, but she has a genuine love of the 'company' that helps bring all the actors together in a spirit of shared endeavor. J.B. – Actor (who has perhaps been working as a professional actor longer than Kristy has been alive)

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

You need to take care of yourself ON SET. No one is going to champion you. Know what the fuck is going on and what should be going on.

Things Kristy is Guilty of Saying

Kristy is incredible to have on set! I've never felt more prepared for a role than when we prep before and also when she is there working with me. I'm such a believer in her ability to bring out the best actor in me that I've brought Kristy to set with me for two separate movies since we started working together. She thoroughly understands both the character and me, which is why she's so successful at helping me be so prepared and bringing my A game. She's simply one of the best and also a real treat to have there as a friend who is so easy to get along with. Love her. K.L. - Feature Film Actor

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

I am really thankful to have had Kristina Sexton ON SET, because she helped a lot to make this movie better. She is a great asset helping the director to get the best out of the actors, and I would love to have her on board in all my future productions. M.R. - Director of Feature Films

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

If you aren’t reading every script you can get your hands on or watching every show on television then how do expect people to pay you lots of money to be a professional actor?!? This is an industry that is changing right now more than ever, if you aren’t up to date with what’s in the zeitgeist right now then how the hell can you know how to do it?

Things Kristy is Guilty of Saying

Having Kristina on set is amazing. She has this incredibly stealth way of watching and supporting the process. Sometimes I wouldn't even know she was in the room and then she'd come up and whisper a secret key that helped unlock a moment or an entire scene. It's just wonderful having someone who is solely there to help actors make a scene richer. To help you dig up more of the secrets and do your best work. J.W.- Award Winning Actress

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

As a coach, I will work my ass off for you and match you every step of the way. But I will not do the work for you, if you don’t work hard then I am not the coach for you.

Things Kristy is Guilty of Saying

It’s one thing to know HOW to act – that should be a given – but Kristy makes you comfortable in your skin before and after the cameras begin to roll. Kristy gives you tools to classily handle troublesome situations but more importantly, points out proactive behaviors to shut down trouble before it even begins. K.K. – Actor

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

I know it sounds fucking hippy-dippy, but I am here to be a teacher that helps step into yourself and celebrate the fucking crazy creature that you are. And most importantly, I will teach you how to get paid being that creature.

Things Kristy is Guilty of Saying

I was having a really hard time with life when I started taking your classes, and you really helped me regain confidence and helped me focus on my career and creativity, and I owe you a BIG HUGE GIGANTIC thank you, because without you and the people that I was surrounded with in your class, especially the showcase class, I wouldn't be back on the track that I am now. You are an amazingly talented human being, coach, teacher, guru, everything! R.S. –Actor

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

Kristy is the most supportive and caring acting coach I've ever had. Her abilities to a knowledge and withdraw talent where I didn't even know it existed has helped me in myriad ways. Her method and process are both effective and efficient, while at the root helping actors work hard and achieve their goals with the least path of resistance. She has a nurturing and generous demeanor that can work for anyone. The Best Acting Coach for anyone aspiring to be working ON SET and make acting in film their profession. J.F. - Film and Television Director

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

You are praised for the things you are already doing well and the things you missed or don’t do so well are highlighted in a way that helps you grow (working with Kristy). D.W. – Actor

Things People Are Saying About Kristy

If you hate being called ‘green’ then get your ass ON SET! Like an actual set! And learn what the fuck is going on! Or, you know, sign up for one of our Hot Set Seminars and I will teach you how to be a professional ON SET.

Things Kristy is Guilty of Saying